BS 5975 2019 Extract - Flipbook - Page 53
BS 5975:2019
Role of the PC9s TWC
The PC9s TWC should have overall responsibility for the co-ordination of all temporary works across
the site, whether the temporary works are being implemented by the PC, a sub-contractor or a client9s
appointed contractor.
The PC9s TWC should be the single point of contact for providing and receiving relevant information
from the client, principal designer, temporary works designer, the site team and any TWC, where
appointed, for all temporary works matters.
The PC9s TWC should be responsible for ensuring that the organization9s agreed procedure for the
control of temporary works is implemented on site. This responsibility includes co-ordinating other
contractors whose procedures might be accepted for use for agreed parts of the work and checking
that those contractors are implementing those procedures.
The PC9s TWC should be responsible for providing information to and receiving information from the
TWC of any contractor which has been approved to manage its own temporary works schemes.
The PC9s TWC should be responsible to the PC9s DI for ensuring the temporary works design is
implemented in accordance with the relevant construction issue drawings and the specification.
The PC9s TWC should not be responsible for the day-to-day progress of the temporary works or other
project matters (e.g. commercial or programme matters). Where this is not possible, the PC's TWC
should recognize that the role of TWC overrides other responsibilities the individual might have
and should not put progress of the works above the safety of the temporary works. However, it is
recognized that this might not be possible on projects that have few or no engineering staff.
If the PC9s TWC has responsibility for both checking the temporary works and progress of the
construction works, decisions should not be compromised by commercial or other pressures. If the
PC9s TWC considers that they are under undue pressure to achieve production at the expense of
structural stability, then they should seek assistance from their DI (see 9.2.3).
The PC's TWC should bring matters of concern to the DI that cannot be adequately resolved at site level.
The PC's TWC should ensure that adequate checks have been completed to confirm the proposed
temporary works have no adverse effect on the permanent works. This should be either by a certificate
signed by the TWD and TWDC or by a statement that the temporary works design is in accordance with
the PWD9s sequence/methodology or by confirmation from the PWD that the proposed temporary
works have no adverse effects on the permanent works.
The PC's TWC should have adequate authority to carry out their tasks including authority to stop the
work if it is not being carried out satisfactorily. The PC9s TWC should be responsible for ensuring the
provision of formal permission to load or progress beyond the hold point. The PC9s TWC should not
permit work to continue beyond any critical stage until it is to the standard specified. The PC9s TWC
should ensure that once the temporary works has been checked and passed, it is not altered until the
loading stage has been completed, and the design allows for it to be dismantled or altered.