BS 5975 2019 Extract - Flipbook - Page 41
BS 5975:2019
8 Designers9 procedures
This clause applies to individuals or organizations designing or influencing permanent works; designing
or influencing temporary works; carrying out design checks; arranging for or instructing others to carry
out design; or any combination of the above.
Designers should have the qualifications, skills, knowledge and experience required to carry out the
design and co-ordination roles and the passing/receiving of information relevant to any temporary
works. Design organizations should verify the competence of both designers and checkers of
temporary works within their organization.
Designers should address the buildability of permanent works, temporary works, their interfaces,
their proposed methods of construction and any related design assumptions.
NOTE 1 This is to identify foreseeable hazards to health or safety associated with their design contribution,
such that measures for elimination or mitigation can be identified. Attention is drawn to the duties of designers
under the CDM Regulations 2015 [1] and the expectation that they provide and receive relevant information on
temporary works.
NOTE 2 An example of buildability would be consideration of transfer of loads through slabs in multi-storey
construction and use of backpropping.
Designers should apply the general principles of prevention to the identified risks, and highlight
any residual risks. Appropriate and proportionate information about the residual risks should be
provided to those who need it.
NOTE Unnecessary information (risks that a competent contractor could readily identify) can prevent the clear
communication of key messages.
Designers should:
liaise with the PC's TWC, or TWC where appropriate, including agreement of the category of
temporary works design check (see Table 2);
respond promptly and clearly to any reasonable request from the PC's TWC, or TWC where
appropriate, for information or design criteria in respect of temporary works to allow the PC's
TWC to manage and discharge their responsibilities by providing the information to the TWC or
temporary works designer, as appropriate. This allows the co-ordination of all temporary works
by all parties across the site;
clearly communicate the design, in accordance with any agreed format, to the PC's TWC, or TWC
where appropriate. The design output includes the residual risks associated with the design;
any hold points required by the designer, and which criteria allow their release; limitations of
the use of the design and/or an outline methodology on how the temporary works should be
constructed (where this is not obvious to a competent contractor); and data required by other
designers interfacing with this design, for example loads on foundations; and
ensure that any areas of temporary works design responsibility which are excluded for whatever
reason are clearly highlighted and communicated.
NOTE 1 Typical exclusions can include stability of top restrained falsework systems, foundations to support
proprietary falsework equipment, scaffolding or cranes, make-up sections in timber, make-up pieces in access.
NOTE 2 3D and 4D (3D+time) models can be used to communicate the design intent and sequencing to
enable better communication and identify residual risks.