BS 5975 2019 Extract - Flipbook - Page 34
BS 5975:2019
Where there is an interface identified at the pre-construction phase between two or more projects, the
PDs involved should co-ordinate their activities. Where there is an interface during the construction
phase between two or more sites, the PCs involved should co-ordinate their activities.
NOTE Attention is drawn to Regulation 15 of the CDM Regulations 2015 [1] and paragraph 153 of the HSE
Guidance L153 [4].
Where the method of construction of the permanent works differs from that which has been proposed
by the permanent works designer, the temporary works design should include an assessment of the
permanent works for the various stages of construction, modification or demolition to determine
adequacy of strength and/or stability.
The PC has an overall duty for the safe execution of all works on site, including temporary works.
Although the PC's duty is retained, the responsibility may be delegated by the PC (or by the actions
of the client or a third party) to one or more sub-contractors or contractors or third-party employed
contractors. The PC should, before appointment or permitting these other organizations to co-ordinate
their own temporary works, carry out a robust and auditable vetting process to check the competence
of these other contractor(s), and then be proactive in monitoring the performance of the contractor(s)
and their compliance with their own procedures.
NOTE The PC9s responsibility for the safe execution of temporary works on site can be dependent upon or affected
by the involvement of other parties, typically clients, designers and project management organizations, which are
not necessarily employed by or responsible to the PC.
Where a party/organization undertakes two or more roles (see 6.1.4) the DI should establish and
maintain suitable and separate procedures for each of the roles for which the party or organization is
responsible or can constrain or influence.
During the conceptual or design stage, either the client9s or the PD's procedures should be used, but
once the PC is appointed, the PC's procedures should take precedence over the client's or the PD's.
NOTE Procedural control of temporary works can vary during the life of a project. This can change again during
on-going maintenance of the permanent works during its lifetime and eventual demolition.
The organization's procedure should cover the management of the approval (by clients and/or third
parties) of design and design checking processes, and include measures for ensuring that the design
function and the roles of the TWC/TWS, where relevant, are carried out by competent individuals.
To understand, control or mitigate the risks, organizations involved in temporary works should
write their own procedures relevant for their type of work, its complexity and the level of operator
performance. Procedures should be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary.
Designated individual
All organizations which are party to a contract or otherwise involved in a project which has a
requirement for temporary works are involved in temporary works (see and should appoint
a designated individual (DI). The DI should be either a member of or directly responsible to a member
of the organization's main supervisory board (of directors) and should have both responsibility and
authority for establishing and maintaining a procedure to control those aspects of temporary works
(and associated risks) for which the organizations have responsibility or which they can constrain
or influence. The temporary works procedure should be approved by the main board or a main
board director.