LOOKBOOK (RRP) - Catalog - Page 9
Joy Vasiljev, founder of The Organic Company.
Joy Vasiljev is known as a visionary, inspiring and
uncompromising entrepreneur, who is not afraid to speak
up and point out things that are not right.
It all started with a lot of questions. Why is it so hard to find
textiles that combine great design with organic materials?
Why do we have to choose between the two? Are we showing
responsible behavior when it comes to protecting our planet?
In 2007, The Organic Company was established with the
clear mission of proving that a responsible business is
good business.
Every product is thoroughly considered with regards to both
design and purpose because Joy believes that the better the
product, the better you take care of it.
And this fits well with an organic lifestyle.
It was not an easy start. The world simply wasn’t ready. And
people were unaware of the extremely dirty industry of cotton.
14 years later, The Organic Company produces more than 200
different products and exports to more than 26 countries.
Today, Joy is an important voice in the debate on organic
lifestyle, environment and sustainability. She teaches and
gives speeches in order to open people’s eyes to the fact
that there are different and better ways of doing things.
Good intentions aren’t enough. Change demands action.
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